Front-End Test Assignment
Here lies a description of a test assignment for the position of a Front-End-developer @
👉 https://github.com/KazanExpress/frontend-test-task/blob/master/README_EN.md
If you've discovered it accidentaly -accidentaly, give it a go! We might just hire you after that. 😉
The assignment
Implement a Single Page TODO Application.
The app can be implemented in one of the following difficulty levels:
Easy- submissions are not currently evauated for this difficulty;Medium-Easywith additional complications, minimally-evaluated functionality;Hard-Mediumwith additional complications;Insane- the ultimate challenge - we provide a special treatment for those, who complete it!
Detailed requirements
Below you can find detailed requirements for the assignment, grouped by difficulty.Each consecutive difficulty includes all requirements of all previous difficulties as required.
Each new browser tab should be a separate project with its own task list;Editable project name that serves as the page's title;List of tasks:Add new task to the list;Delete any task from the list;Ability to mark any task as complete/uncomplete;
All information (project name, list of tasks, each tasks' state) must be preserved upon page reload;
Ability to add subtasks to any task in the list (with potentially infinite depth);Ability filter/search tasks using an input field (currently used filter must be preserved upon page reload);Ability to edit any task's title after its creation;
All requirements for easy, including optional. Also, the following:
Ability to transfer any task (with all of its substasks) from any open project to any other open project;Usage ofLocalStorage,Cookies,IndexedDBandWebSQLis prohibited;Anyrecords in these storages are completely prohibited!This rule also holds for any libraries that use these types of storages.For example -vuex-multi-tab-stateis prohibited, because it usesLocalStorage.Ability to export a project to a file / import a project from a file;Name of the file corresponds to the name of the project: Project name must be set from the file's name upon import; File's name must be set from project's name upon export;
Move tasks in the task list using drag-n-drop;Ability to save current filter for quick-search later;Complete application bundle must be below200 KB(sum of all files loaded by the browser, excluding pictures and SVGs);
CSS-animated drag-n-drop and task filter (animated list items' movement);Use TypeScript for 100% of the code base (excluding markup and styles);UseVue Composition APIorvue@next;Use ESLint/TSLint (usage ofKazanExpress/TSLintis highly encouraged);Use a bundler (likewebpack) for bundling the final SPA;
All requirements for medium, inluding optional and the following:
Complete application bundle must be below100 KB(sum of all files loaded by the browser, excluding pictures and SVGs);Move tasks in the task list using drag-n-dropwith touch-screen support;App must be adapted for mobile devices, down to 320x480 (iPhone 4);Ability to quickly view and edit a lengthy multi-line description for any task;
Ability to add/delete named columns for tasks, with ability to move tasks between them ("trello"-like);
We can only praise your courage and skill, should you decide to complete the assignment at this difficuly. 👏Oh, and hire you, of course!
All requirements for hard, inluding optional. And the following:
Usage ofVue.jsor any other framework/library for the client-side part isprohibited- only native JavaScript/TypeScript;Including:Reactivity and data-binding;DOM mutations;Business-logic;And yes, jQuery/React/Lodash/Underscore/Bootstrap are also banned!
Code documentation using JSDoc;Complete application bundle must be below50 KB(sum of all files loaded by the browser, excluding pictures and SVGs);Final application bundle must work using ES6-modules via<script type="module">;Source-Mapsfor the bundled app and an instruction on how to use them;Full keyboard control support, using hot-keys; (provide a complete list of supported hot-keys)Code quality rating "A" onCode Climate(add a badge to the top of the repo's README);
UseConventional Commitlint;UseCustomElements/WebComponents&Shadow DOM;100% test coverage using Jest/Mocha andCoveralls/Code Climate;Use travis.ci,now.sh, GitHub Pages or GitHub Actions for CI/CD;UseService-Workerto notify the user of new verions or updates to the app;Mutually exclusive requirements:Self-implementedSSRwithout using 3rd-party libraries;No SSRandno bundler (webpack, rollup, etc.), node_modules or anything - i.e. all libraries (for the sole exclusion of TypeScript and testing frameworks) are banned;
Anything that is not stated in the requirements is left up to the creative freedom of the candidate.
It's encouraged to attempt implementation of optional requirements for higher difficulties than your current choice.For example, if you've decided to go with medium difficulty, implementing optional requirements from hard will give you a substantial advantage upon evaluation.
Q: Can't figure out how to implement feature X - tried everything! Can I skip feature X?A: All features are possible to implement - we tried it ourselves! The solution is probably waiting for you just around the corner. 😉
Q: Can I skip optional requirements from easy, if I'm doing medium?A: No. All requirements from all previous dificulties are mandatory. They were optional for that previous difficulty, not for your current one.
Assignment rules
Description must contain:
A full list of implemented requirements;An instruction on how to run the app locally for Windows/Unix.
7 days, starting with the receiving the task - foreasy,mediumandhard.14 days, starting with the receiving the task - forInsanedifficulty - not counting the time for implementation of optional requirements.